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6 Ways to Start Introduction of an Essay – Learn with Examples

5 min read
Introduction of an Essay

The introduction of an essay is one of the most impactful parts. Whether you are writing a thesis or essay or any other document, the introduction part is a hook; it can force a reader to read your entire essay or lead him to leave the essay after reading 5 to 6 lines. So it’s important to write an essay with attractive lines, and it must also be informative. So that readers get information as well as enjoy the essay.

This article will cover how to write an introduction to attract the reader’s attention and strategies we can follow to write an effective introduction. Plus, we will see how much part of an essay should comprise an introduction.

Why is the purpose of the introduction of an essay important?

The introduction of an essay is the first part of the essay, and we write it to provide some background information about the essay we are going to write. In the introduction, we can also provide the thesis statement or summary of the whole essay. Another important plus of the introduction is that it leads the reader to read the article no matter how long it is.


Let’s see the 6 most effective methods to start the introduction of an essay.

1. Start introducing your topic and ask questions

To give this start to your essay, start with a question that you are going to solve within the essay. Then start introducing your topic, followed by what you will write in the whole essay (thesis statement).

For example, let’s see how to do this. If you are going to write on the topic “How to write an effective essay?”

You will start the introduction of this type of essay by asking a question like, Does Writing essays scare you? Or are you fed up with writing boring essays? Well, that’s a problem every other writer needs a solution for. In this article, we will learn how to write an essay that leaves a long-lasting effect.

This is how you will write the introduction of the essay, plus introduce your essay problem statement or topic. You can hire essay writing services if you are facing any issues.

2. Start with an amazing story about your essay statement

Here’s we have another method for starting an essay introduction. Start your essay with a story and engage your reader. You can start with any story that creates some destruction or negative impact in the past or a story that positively impacts people’s life. You can also start with any past research about your topic so that you can relate your topic to that research while writing your essay.

Starting with an interesting story or research that creates some impact in the past will surely hook your header with your essay. For writing the story-based introduction of an essay, you need to research properly. The research will help you to find an effective story.

3. Start with some mystery

The human brain is always curious about things. Whether a human is a child, an adult or an older adult, we always want to learn or find something we do not know about.

What if you start your essay with a mystery? If you can start your essay with some mystery which you will resolve, later on, your reader will continue to read the essay. This essay introduction is the most advanced way of writing an introduction. You need to lock some time and think about how you can convert your essay to a mystic one.

4. Insert some interesting facts about your essay:

What if someone says your earth revolves around the sun and gives you an explanation why earth revolves around the sun, but you never know about that fact before? This will surely make you think for some time and forces you to read the entire writing for a better understanding.

The same goes for writing the introduction of an essay. If you start writing your essay with an interesting fact, question that fact and relate your essay statement with that fact, this will help the reader to understand your essay properly and encourage him to read more from your side.

5. Give some background information about your topic:

When we write an essay, we also need to add some background information. Write effective, concise and clear background information that needs to understand before reading the essay. You can also introduce the topic if it’s rare. For example, if you write an essay on some new technology, you will introduce old gadgets working on the same principle or performing the same functions as your new gadget. Then you will define what your gadget is about and what the core problem your new gadget solves is.

It can be some historical or social context. Some relevant summaries or any facts. The background information you provide should be to the point. Be focused and avoid too many details. Providing too much background information will end up in the reader’s interest.

6. Inform the reader which problem you will solve:

Why do people read articles or essays? For information or to get the solution to their problems. So that is the method to engage the reader. Suppose you could tell your reader that you are going to solve that particular problem, or he will get this particular information in your article. In that case, he will stay persistent and interested in reading the essay.

Think, for instance, while reading the introduction of an essay, if you understand that your writer is not providing the information you want, nor is he solving your problem, you will search for another essay or article to read. This is the key if you give the reader what he is searching for; that’s all you need for an effective introduction.


Writing good introductions always helps in hooking your reader with the writing. Suppose you are bad at writing. If you write information that your reader is searching for, he will surely read your essay regardless of your bad writing style. You can write some effective story or any interesting fact about your essay statement or ask questions in the introduction to hook the reader with the essay. We have provided a few interesting methods you can use to start your essay introduction.

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