February 18, 2025

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How to Prevent Your Pet Dog From Heat Stroke

4 min read
Dog Heat Stroke

If you don’t take care, the temperature can rise during summer. Dogs suffering from heat stroke are more common than we might think, particularly if there is not enough prevention and knowledge.

Dogs shed their hair all year round to adjust to the temperature. However, dogs feel heat differently than humans. Heat stroke is a result of excessive heat exposure, low hydration, and poor walking habits.

This post will explain heat stroke, what it is, how it can be treated at the clinic, and what you can do to prevent it.

What is heatstroke in dogs?

A sunstroke in dogs or heat stroke in dogs refers to a condition that results from an increase in body heat due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

This is a very serious problem in and of itself. However, dogs have a different way of maintaining their body temperature than we do.

Our body will begin to sweat when it is overheated. This is self-regulation. It is more difficult for dogs because they don’t have sweat glands, so they don’t sweat to regulate their bodies.

Add to that the amount of hair they have. The consequences can be devastating. When we are talking about your pet dog’s health you should also know that can you give your dog human fish oil capsules or not.

Dogs suffering from heatstroke symptoms

Heat stroke can occur in dogs who are exposed to extreme temperatures for a prolonged period or exercise in these conditions.

These signs will help you diagnose heat stroke.

  • Dogs with a higher heart rate will have a higher heart rate
  • Dogs will pant more often than usual and show increased salivation.
  • They start to breathe quickly and nervously
  • They might feel tremors.
  • Balance loss and muscle weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Bluish color of gums and mucosa

The following symptoms can be seen in severe cases of heatstroke in dogs:

  • Perception loss
  • Bleeding
  • Insufficiency of the renal system
  • Brain damage
  • Multi-organic failure

These symptoms can be easily ignored, but you should take immediate action. Talk to your vet about the situation of your dog and follow their instructions.

How can you deal with heat stroke in dogs?

If your dog is suffering from any of these symptoms, you should immediately call the vet. You can take several steps to relieve heat stroke symptoms in the meantime.

Lower their body temperatures

Heat stroke in dogs refers to an increase in body temperatures beyond normal levels. In dogs, it is typically between 38 and 39o. You should lower their temperature.

This is generally due to your dog’s temperature being around 42oC or higher.

You can do this by soaking it in water, but not freezing or heating it. People believe that when the temperature is high, it is normal to use cold water to moisten it. However, sudden temperature changes can cause more harm than good for your dog.

Keep in mind that neither hot nor cold is good! You should not cover it with towels or give it a cold water bath.

Dog hydration

Water is good for dogs. Give water as long as your dog can drink it. Water must be kept fresh but not frozen. You shouldn’t allow your pet to drink too much at once. He should take small amounts and keep calm until you get to the vet.

Treatment against heat stroke in dogs

Here’s how we approach heat stroke in dogs in our clinic:

  1. To measure the temperature at which it arrives.
  2. You can apply oxygen with goggles or a mask. Our goal is to maintain hemodynamic function and oxygenation.
  3. Fluid therapy is used to treat shock. Dogs suffering from heatstroke are usually in shock.
  4. Reduce the dog’s body heat to normal levels

After the animal is recovered, we perform a check-up in order to ensure that there hasn’t been any internal damage.

How to prevent heat stroke

These simple tips can help prevent heatstroke in dogs

  • Fresh water is essential for the dog to be able to drink at any time.
  • Shaded areas with large windows and shade are a great place for your dog to be, even if it is not directly in the sun.
  • It is best to avoid taking your dog on a hot walk during the day. It is better to take him out in the mornings or at night.
  • Avoid intense exercise in the hottest hours.
  • DO NOT keep it in a car or small space with inadequate ventilation.

Dogs that have suffered heat strokes can be extremely dangerous and can even cause death. Use the advice we’ve given to you to avoid them, and in case they do happen, you know what to do to save your dog’s life.

Also, you can find more pets related useful and interesting articles here. Also, if you like this information don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.

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