Liposuction in Lahore The best place Dr. Ata Ul Haq Clinic
4 min read
Liposuction in Lahore is a procedure used to change the body’s shape and eliminate stubborn fat deposits that don’t go away with diet and exercise. However, it is NOT a way to lose weight.
Modern Liposuction Techniques
Liposuction can apply on almost any body part, though some positions are more complex to treat than others. When fat cells eliminate away, they don’t come back. But since fat cells only get bigger, not more of them, if you gain weight, you can still gain fat in places where Liposuction operated before.
Who would benefit most from Liposuction?
The best people for Liposuction are healthy people who don’t smoke and have a good attitude and realistic goals. During your appointment, all of your questions will answer, and your objectives, the procedure, and the usual recovery process following surgery will be thoroughly described.
Liposuction results depend on three things:
- Fat removal
- Scar tissue formation
- Your skin’s ability to stretch and shrink.
For good results, the skin must be able to stretch and shrink to accommodate the loss of fat. After surgery, wearing a compression garment can help with this. Stretch marks make it hard for the skin to get smaller after surgery. Your skin’s ability to shrink has something to do with how old you are, and it is not always easy to predict.
This is why you must wear a compression garment over the liposuction area for a few weeks after the surgery. Cellulite creates by the specific arrangement of fat cells that only occurs in women. Those areas of the body that predetermines by DNA have it. Most often affected areas are the back of the thigh and the rear of the posterior thigh and buttocks.
Traditional Liposuction doesn’t help cellulite in the long run. When fine, small cannulas and superficial suction apply, the appearance of cellulite may or may not improve.
The Process of Liposuction
VASER ultrasonic liposuction is the most advanced method of Liposuction that Dr. Atta Ul Haq from Lahore uses. In VASER Liposuction, high-frequency energy needs to help break fat cells apart. This alternative to Liposuction works well because it gets good results more safely.
About the VASER Liposuction
VASER liposuction is better than traditional Liposuction at removing fat deposits and making the skin smaller. Because it uses high-frequency energy, it usually causes less bleeding and swelling. We only take out 5 liters of fat for the patient’s safety.
Liposuction apply on the following places:
- Neck
- Belly button and waist
- Upper arms
- Buttocks and hips
- The breast or chest
- Buttocks (inner and outer)
- Back
- Inner knees
The liposuction procedure can occur without putting the person in the hospital. It can operate while the person is sleeping and can take anywhere from one to three hours.
After having Liposuction
The small incisions in the skin will drain any excess liposuction fluid and fat cells that have started to melt in the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours following the operation. For the first week, you should wear the compression garment for 23 of the 24 hours a day, including while you sleep.
Starting in week two, you should wear a spandex-like garment that applies less pressure at least 12 hours a day for another two to three weeks. The goal is to teach the skin to shrink, re-drape itself over the areas where fat eliminated, and stick to its new position. After your liposuction procedure, you can return to work in a week.
About this Liposuction
When it comes to Liposuction, this new method is an excellent alternative to the old ways of doing it. In contrast to laser-assisted methods, which act like a blowtorch and burn tissue and sometimes damage skin, this procedure uses safe sound waves to get good results that are also safe.
Recovery Time Is Shorter
Getting an elective procedure like Liposuction doesn’t always mean you’ll have to stay in bed and can’t do much for a long time.
What To Expect
Because Liposuction is gentler, there is less bruising and swelling. Also, the cells shrink better, which lets the blood vessels and connective tissue stay together. With a much lower chance of hurting your skin or the tissues around it, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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Make an Appointment Now
Regarding Liposuction, our Lahore facility’s highly skilled professionals know the most. Our modern surgical boutique has everything we need to ensure your procedure is safe and comfortable. The newest ultrasonic liposuction system is at our facility. Because of this, as well as the many years of expertise that Dr. Atta Ul Haq has had doing this treatment, you will be in safe hands when you visit our clinic. Do not be reluctant to get in touch with us for an initial consultation if you are a local resident of the Lahore region and are considering liposuction as a potential treatment option for yourself.