October 22, 2024

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List of Learning Styles That Everyone Should Know

5 min read
Learning Styles

A variety of learning styles are available, and they vary from person to person. Many students use different styles for learning. The most common styles of learning include linguistic and logical learning. Other styles can be even more effective. We see numerous cases about learning difficulties of the students. We also see that the students are not doing as well as they can. This might be possible due to the learning style. So a change of learning style can solve this problem.

Diversity does not implement on beliefs, faith, and qualities. It also demonstrates the most suited way of learning. Some people understand things better when they see their visualisation. Whereas other people learn from practical activities.

People understand ideas in various styles. A successful teacher is the one who can adopt many learning styles at the same time. He makes sure all types of students can get the concept. They learn the learning styles of the students, and facilitate each of them.

This article presents you with a list of the learning styles that everyone should know. The concept of individualised learning came forward in the year 1970. It has greatly affected the ways of education, and learning. In the present times, various learning styles are used as depicted below;

Visual Learning Style

In this learning style, you find it easy to learn things from pictures and diagrams. You find it easy to understand things through their visualisation. It is common for students to find it easier to learn a concept if it’s illustrated as a diagram. These types of people are visual learners.

Knowledge and concept maps are utilised for describing knowledge, concepts, thoughts, ideas, and the relation between them. These people can use visual learning tools as through them, one can use colour coding for gathering ideas, and drawing connections. 

Aural Learning Style

Some of you find it hard to read long paragraphs of concepts and information. It is too hard to learn them because they find reading too complex. It is also possible because there are various types of learners. You’re an aural learner if you want someone to tell you something out loud so that you can understand it. This learning style refers to the type of people who learn better when someone tells them concepts aloud. This learning style also explains that these type of people depend on listening to information for fully understanding it. It is too hard for them to simply read, and understand information from the book.

Group learning is a great way of learning especially when you are working on the dissertation writing task. This is because it helps in grasping the understanding of information. These learners have the ability to notice the transformation in tone, and pitch. Like an auditory learner will say out loud, and will notice how it sounded to memorise it. Aural learners adopt the professions of music, recording engineer, speech pathologist, and language teacher.

Verbal Learning Style (Linguistic)

This learning style refers to the people who find writing, and speaking easy to express themselves. It is convenient for them to either speak, or write to learn/express something. This type of learners love to read and write. They like to analyse the meanings of words like rhythms, and tongue twisters. They try to become familiar with the meanings, and definitions of the words. Further, they also make regular efforts for learning the definition of new terminologies. They use mnemonics, scripting, role-playing, and anything that includes speaking, and writing for learning. These people pursue the professions of politics, writing, public speaking, administration, and journalism.

Physical Learning Style

Learning is accomplished when a learner adopts a physical activity in this learning style. The learners find it easy to learn things through physical activities rather than listening to a lecture, or watching a visual explanation. The physical learners are also called doers. This is because they prefer hands-on learning. They make up approximately about 5% of the population. They’re mostly interested in the profession of safety, entertainment (singing, dancing, and acting), emergency services, safety representative, and physical education.

Logical Learning Style

The learning makes use of mathematical, and logical reasoning in this learning style. Logical learners utilise their brains for mathematical, and logical reasoning. You can locate this learning by assessing whether they like their brain for logical reasoning, or not. They can also recognise the patterns of the information with ease. They can easily connect the concept, and ideas in no time. Further, they ensure classification, and grouping to learn new things. This helps them in developing an understanding of the concepts that are involved. These people excel in the field, which plays with numbers. Such type of learners are fine with complex, and difficult calculations. They can pursue the professions of computer programming, accountancy, scientific research, and bookkeeping. 

Social Learning Style (Interpersonal)

Some learners give importance to social learning. They’re the best at socialising, and communicating with people in all ways. They can adopt both verbal, and non-verbal ways for communication in a perfect means as well. That is why they’re called social learners. Such type of learners are sensitive. People come to them, and ask for advice too. They do so because they have sensitive feelings, modes, and motivations. These types of learners listen well, and enforce what others have to face, along with what they’re thinking. They mostly pursue the professions of teaching, coaching, counselling, training, as well as sales, politics, and human resources.

Solitary Learning Style (Intrapersonal)

This style of learning refers to the people who are more into private learning. The people who are more private, introspective, and independent are solitary learners. They concentrate well when they’re alone. They also focus their concentration best when they’re not disturbed by others. Disturbance affects their feelings and thought greatly. Authors and professionals who are into research are more devoted towards this type of learning. This is because they have a very strong solitary learning style. Working in solitude works well, and more than the styles that have been discussed above.

These were some learning styles that everyone should know, especially the teachers. You can adapt the style which suits you best for getting the most of your learning experience.

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