October 22, 2024

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Wearable App Development: A Complete Guide

6 min read
Wearable App Development

Wearable App Development

Every minute of our life has truly been transformed by technology, forcing people to have a clear perspective on health-related data to create a healthy lifestyle. Almost everything we use in our daily lives has been influenced by technology. Wearable App Development makes life easier for wellness enthusiasts and individuals in general.

According to Statista, there are already over 929 million wearable devices in use worldwide today, with the number expected to rise to 1,105 million by 2022. According to Garter, the wearables industry, valued at $69 billion in 2020, is expected to grow to $81.5 billion in 2021. app development is rapidly taking over from mobile apps. If you’re considering getting your custom wearable app developed or starting a business in the field, you should read these tips from wearable app development professionals to ensure your first and subsequent apps are a hit.

As a leading wearable app development company, we decided to provide a comprehensive guide to custom wearable app development. In this blog post, you’ll find information such as wearable app development trends, benefits, and features you need to develop a top-notch wearable app.

What is wearable app development?

Wearable app development is the process of creating applications that interface with wearable devices, collect data, and provide critical information through Internet access. Wearable apps are different from mobile apps which are either native or hybrid. Sensors, real-time tracking, frequent connections with people, and gadget performance all require a little extra care. Wearable app developers need to pay special attention to simple app interface design, user-friendliness, desired features, and faster availability while creating such apps.

How do wearable app development services benefit different industries?

Wearable App Development can be really beneficial for various industries. Let’s look at some industries:

  • Fitness Industry – The primary motivation for creating a wearable app is to improve health and fitness. They keep consistent and accurate records of fitness activity. It can track how many steps users have taken, how many stairs users have climbed, their heart rate, how many calories they have gained and burned, how many hours they have slept and much more.
  • Healthcare Industry – In the healthcare industry, wearables can be quite beneficial. It can help professionals monitor patients and diagnose diseases. Combine wearables with artificial intelligence and big data techniques to capture complete patient data. The same data can be used by developers to determine a patient’s disease. Wearable medical devices come in many shapes and sizes, including smart bands, glucose monitors, diagnostic chips, heart monitors, and so on.
  • Gaming Industry – The gaming industry is embracing and integrating all the latest technologies such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and IoT and is now adding wearables to its priority list.
  • Education Industry – Smartphones are not the only electronics that can be worn. Applications for augmented and virtual reality glasses such as Google Glass can be developed and used in the education industry. Students can use AR and VR to explore space and in-depth analysis of components.
  • Fashion Industry – The fashion industry is rapidly adopting the wearable technology. Several major manufacturers develop clothing accessories such as pants, suits, and other garments.

As we have discussed some of the benefits of wearable apps for various industries, now it is time to review,

Key Trends for Wearable App Development in 2022!

Let’s take a look at some of the major technological advances that will shape and determine the evolution of wearable technology in 2022 and beyond.

  • IoT integration
  • Beacon technology
  • Wearable GPS
  • Development of applications for smartwatches
  • Smart contact lenses
  • Smart rings
  • Biosensors
  • Smart belts
  • E-payment through wearable devices

From now on, we discussed the benefits and trends in the development of wearable applications. However, remember that developing a wearable app is not an easy task. There are many challenges, let’s take a look at some of them!

  • Decide which platforms your application will require
  • The purpose of developing the application is unknown
  • Start by thinking about security at the very beginning
  • Functionality and features
  • Confidentiality and protection

But how do overcome these challenges?

What do you need to keep in mind when Wearable App Development?

When Wearable App Development, you need to consider the following:

1. Choose the right features

The right set of features plays a huge role in developing custom wearable apps. Below we have mentioned some of the prominent features of wearable apps. Look!

  • Notifications – These small gadgets, on the other hand, cannot display large and detailed notifications on the screen for users to see. As a result, such applications must create their own notifications in a few words. Long notifications will not appear on the device screen. Design a customized notification with these considerations in mind. Another notification option is to use a voice memo or something else.
  • Security – Features such as hand motion detection and voice recognition enable quick access to all cloud data while complying with all security regulations. Two-factor authentication, secure browsers, secure cloud access, and secure mail applications should be included.
  • Offline Access – Having an internet connection anytime, anywhere is not always achievable though. Even if there is no internet connection, it provides the benefits of using apps. Your app customers will love being able to use all of your app’s features without using up their data.
  • Robust speed – Screens that load quickly are important. Nobody enjoys waiting, especially when all they have to do is stare at a display with a loading indicator, and that frustration quickly turns into boredom leading to the decision to look for something better. A suitable set of visuals is needed for speed.
  • Multilingual Support – This fantastic feature can be added based on the target audience. You can create a mobile application that supports most of the languages ​​used internationally. This language integration, on the other hand, is very dependent on the client’s budget.
  • Social Media Sharing – Social media has made a name for itself as a tool to grow your business. These networks aren’t just for sharing photos and videos; you can do a lot more with them. Users can use social sharing buttons to spread brand awareness to their friends and family.

For a more comprehensive list of wearable app development features, please contact us.

2. Define the purpose

First of all, you should consider the following questions: Who really is your target audience? What are the needs and necessities? What makes your app unique? Who are your main competitors? Additionally, you can design wearable apps in popular areas such as fitness and health or workplace utility. Create a plan for success in advance.

3. Create the right design

Designers of wearable applications must fit large functions and features into a small physical space. There are various challenges as you need to include all the features while making the user experience as simple as possible. Yes, it is a difficult task, but it can be done with creativity and experience. Wearable app developers who are use to create apps for desktop and mobile OS setups may need to brush up on their UI and UX skills. Wearable gadgets are often significantly smaller, with fewer controls and smaller displays.

4. Hire the right wearable app development company

Wearable App Development is neither simple nor common. In this case, you will need experts. You can bring in-house expertise or outsource to a custom wearable app development company, but either way, make sure you’re working with qualified professionals. Additionally, review their portfolio, client reviews, and industry ratings and expertise before hiring to ensure the quality of their services, design, and development.

5. Take proper safety precautions

Since users transmit sensitive information through mobile applications, it is important to ensure that your application has adequate firewalls and malware detection to avoid hackers and other cybercrimes. When your app provides the right level of security, your users will instinctively trust you.

These are some of the critical points that you need to consider. Now is the time to check

How much does it cost to develop apps for wearable devices?

As you know, wearable app development cost depends on your requirements, project scope, and many other aspects like:

  • The wearable app development company’s field of hire
  • Function
  • Technical magazine
  • Platform and many more.

It is better to contact a top wearable app development company like Moon Technolabs to get a quote for your project.


Although developing wearable apps seems difficult, it is also profitable. If you are looking for a wearable app development company and want to know how much it would cost to create a custom wearable app for your business, depending on your requirements, Moon Technolabs can help. Contact us if you need support with your wearable app development project.

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