October 22, 2024

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Power of Dua

Power of Dua

There are many Dua that have different purposes from both the Quran in addition to the Sunnah from the Prophet s.a.w. We are strongly encouraged to say this Dua that come from two sources to increase our benefit in both worlds. We can also personalize our Dua by reciting it our own and using a language we can easily understand for greater contemplation. Even if the words we use in the Dua might sound unclear or unorganized, Allah s.w.t. knows the best about our intentions and thoughts.

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Merits of Dua

Dua is an expression of Allah’s proximity to His servants

 “And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad s.a.w.) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be on the right path.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:186)

Dua is a constant reminder

In making Dua We acknowledge that we, as His imperfect servants have a dire need of His assistance. This is why admitting dependence will help us overcome pride and arrogance. It is said that the Prophet s.a.w. said,

“God will be angry with those who do not make requests from Him.”

(Sunan At-Tirmizi)

Al-Mubarakfuri–author of Tuhfat al-Ahwazi, the explanation of the ahadith narrated by Tirmizi–said: It is because not asking (making Dua) is arrogance and an expression of self-sufficiency, and these attributes are not permissible for a servant.

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Dua Eliminate the difficulties of those who are in trouble

He states in the Qur’an,

“Is it not He Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls on Him, and Who removes the evil.”

 (Surah An-Naml, 27:62)

This Quranic verse demonstrates the benefits of performing Dua all over the world. Even so, certain exceptional situations need to be made known to us. Certain Dua could not be immediately or fully given to you by Allah s.w.t. Then He might end up bestowing with another that is more beneficial. Some Dua might not be answered because of a particular reason. 

This is because Allah s.w.t. is known as Al-Hakim (All-Wise) in addition to Al-‘Alim (All-Knowing) regarding the best option for His people. What we believe is right for us may not be the case in the real world or vice versa.

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The Blessed Times for Dua

If we truly want to see the prayers of our Dua answered, keep an eye out for the best moments, known in the form of Sa’at al-Ijabah or al-Istijabah (Times of answered prayers) to ensure to ensure Allah s.w.t. can answer our prayers in with the highest degree of efficiency:

Dua In the midst of night

The Prophet s.a.w. said,

“Our Lord, the Blessed and the Exalted, descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the latter part of the night is left and says: Who supplicates me so that I may answer him? Who asks me so that I may give to him? Who asks me forgiveness so that I may forgive him?”

(Sahih Muslim)

Before you say Salam in the form of a prayer

Based on the Hadith cited by the Abu Umamah r.a,

It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, which Dua is heard?” He said, “In the last third of the night, and following every prescribed prayer.”

(Sunan At-Tirmizi)

In the interpretation of dabr al-salawat as a reference to the maktu (following in the orderly prayers) certain scholars believe that it occurs prior to the Salam. Ibn Taymiyah stated, “The word dabr is a reference to something that is part of something that is similar to dabr al-hayawan (the hindquarters of an animal).”

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Dua Between the Azan and the Iqamah

The Prophet s.a.w. said,

“A Dua offered between the Azān and Iqāmah is not rejected.”

(Sunan At-Tirmizi)

Dua in idle time and being in good health frequently

The Prophet s.a.w. said,

“If anyone finds pleasure in receiving an answer from God in times of difficulty, he should make many supplications when times are easy.”

(Sunan At-Tirmizi)

The author of Tuhfat al-Ahwazi, al-Mubarakfuri explained that al-rakha’ (when times are easy) is a sign of healthy and free time.

‘Asar and Maghrib on Fridays

The Prophet s.a.w. said,

“Friday consists of twelve hours. There is one in which a Muslim who asks Allah for something will have it granted to him. Seek it in the last hour after ‘Asar.”

(Sunan An-Nasa’i)

Dua for when someone dies

Dua for when someone dies by saying “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un in arabic”. This means “Verily we belong to Allah, and truly to Him shall we return” and is a must for all Muslims who have since passed from this world.

Dua Between two khutbahs in the Friday prayer

Abu Hurairah r.a. reported that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. was speaking about the benefits of Friday,

“There is a time on Friday at which a Muslim, while he is performing a prayer and is supplicating, will be granted whatever he (or she) is supplicating for.” And he pointed with his hand to indicate that this period of time is very short.

(Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Dua When in Sujud

The Prophet s.a.w stated,

“The nearest a slave can be to his Lord (Allāh) is while doing sujūd, so increase in supplication” 

(Sahih Muslim)

Drinking the water of Zamzam

The Prophet s.a.w. said,

“The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.”

(Sunan Ibn Majah)

Especially fasting in the final 10 days, and on during the Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power)

Ramadan as the most blessed month of the year is a time of great blessings when one does good deeds and acts of kindness that result in ‘ibadah as Dua. According to the Prophet s.a.w. said,

“There are three people whose Dua is not rejected; the fasting person until he breaks the fast, the just ruler, and the oppressed person, whose Dua Allah lifts above the clouds and opens unto it the doors of Jannah, and Allah says: “I swear by My Honour, verily I shall assist you, even though it may be after some time.”

(Sunan At-Tirmizi)

As the final 10 evenings of Ramadan are considered to be the most beautiful nights of the year, it is strongly recommended to say Dua at night. Concerning Laylatul Qadr”Aishah r.a. stated”I requested to the Messenger of Allah”O Messenger of Allah If I discover Laylatul Qadr What is the first thing I do to supplicate it? He answered, “Say:

“O Allah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me” 

(Sunan At-Tirmizi)

Dua In times of hardship

Allah s.w.t. declares that in the Qur’an:

And (remember) Zun-Nūn (Prophet Yūnus a.s.), when he went off in anger and imagined that We shall not punish him (i.e. the calamities which had befallen him)! But he cried through the darkness (saying): None has the right to be worshipped but you (O Allah), Glorified (and Exalted) are you. Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers. So we answered his call and delivered him from distress. And thus we do deliver the believers (who believe in the Oneness of Allâh, abstain from evil and work righteousness). 

(Surah Al-Anbiya’, 21:87-88)

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