Why You Should Start Podcasting Today
4 min read
Podcasting has been around since 2004, but it’s been experiencing rapid growth in the past few years. If you haven’t jumped on the podcasting bandwagon yet, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. This guide will explain what exactly podcasting is and why you should get involved today!
How to start podcasting
Podcasting is a great way to reach a wide audience with your message, and it’s easier than ever to get started. Here’s how
First, you’ll need a microphone. Wired mics are typically more reliable, but wireless systems can be easier to use in certain circumstances. Once you have your equipment, consider editing software. Some popular options are Audacity and GarageBand for Mac users and Sound Forge for PC users. Check out my free guide on How to get started podcasting for more details. It covers everything from making sure your computer is set up properly to putting together a professional-sounding intro/outro using sound effects and music. If you want even more detail than that (including recommendations on how many episodes per week to publish), check out my video course where I walk through all of these topics and much more: How To Make Money With A Podcast
Equipment you need
If you’re thinking about starting a podcast, you’re in luck: all you need is a microphone and some free software. That’s it!
If you haven’t jumped on the podcasting bandwagon yet, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. This guide will explain what exactly podcasting is and why you should get involved today!
Android, Google Play, Stitcher, and SoundCloud. To submit your podcast to iTunes, you’ll need to have an RSS feed. Once you have your RSS feed, you can submit it to iTunes by going to their website and clicking on the Submit a Podcast link.
If you’re using a Mac, GarageBand is built in and easy to use. All you need to do is get a microphone and plug it into your computer’s USB port. If you’re using Windows, Audacity or Reaper are good options. Whichever you choose, podcasts require very little technical know-how to create a great sounding show.
If you’re using a Mac, GarageBand is built in and easy to use. All you need to do is get a microphone and plug it into your computer’s USB port. If you’re using Windows, Audacity or Reaper are good options. Whichever you choose, podcasts require very little technical know-how to create a great sounding show.
Editing Your Podcast
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably listened to a podcast or two. But have you ever considered starting your own? Podcasting is a great way to share your voice and reach a wide audience. Plus, it’s not as difficult as you might think. Here’s a quick guide to getting started.
Audacity and GarageBand for Mac users and Sound Forge for PC users. Check out my free guide on How to get started podcasting for more details. It covers everything from making sure your computer is set up properly to putting together a professional-sounding intro/outro using sound effects and music. If you want even more detail than that (including recommendations on how many episodes per week to publish), check out my video course where I walk through all of these topics and much more: How To Make Money With A Podcast
Distribution Channels
There are a few ways to distribute your podcast. The most popular is iTunes, which has over 500 million active users. You can also distribute your podcast on Android, Google Play, Stitcher, and SoundCloud. To submit your podcast to iTunes, you’ll need to have an RSS feed. Once you have your RSS feed, you can submit it to iTunes by going to their website and clicking on the Submit a Podcast link.
In the past few years, podcasting has exploded in popularity. And for good reason! Promoting your podcast is a great way to reach a new audience and build your brand. Here’s why you should start podcasting today If you haven’t jumped on the podcasting bandwagon yet, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. This guide will explain what exactly podcasting is and why you should get involved today!
If you’re using a Mac, GarageBand is built in and easy to use. All you need to do is get a microphone and plug it into your computer’s USB port. If you’re using Windows, Audacity or Reaper are good options. Whichever you choose, podcasts require very little technical know-how to create a great sounding show.
Promoting your podcast
If you’re thinking about starting a podcast, you’re not alone. In the past few years, podcasting has exploded in popularity. And for good reason! Promoting your podcast is a great way to reach a new audience and build your brand. Here’s why you should start podcasting today If you haven’t jumped on the podcasting bandwagon yet, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. This guide will explain what exactly podcasting is and why you should get involved today!